Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Alphabetical Index: Author Index: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Unknown

Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Qi, Shouhua. »Tess Too? Revisiting the Chase Scene in Tess of the d'Urbervilles in the #MeToo Era.« The Explicator (May 25, 2021).

[Info] Qiu, Peipei, et al. Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves. Vancouver 2013.

[Info] Qiu, Peipei, et al. Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves. Hong Kong 2014.

[Info] Qiu, Peipei, et al. Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves. Oxford 2014.

[Info] Qiu, Peipei. »Documenting War Atrocities Against Women: Newly Discovered Japanese Military Files in Jilin Provincial Archives.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 275-293.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Berlin 1902.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Berlin 1904.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Berlin 1911.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Berlin 1916.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Berlin 1925.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Aalen 1970.

[Info] Quanter, Rudolf. Die Sittlichkeitsverbrechen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte und ihre strafrechtliche Beurteilung. Wiesbaden 2003.

[Info] Quarrie, Vivienne L., et al. »Female Participation in Major Crimes in Jamaica from 2014 to 2024.« International Journal of Current Research in Education, Culture and Society 8 (2024): 31-58.

[Info] Quarrie, Vivienne L., et al. »Understanding Gender Disparity in Victimology and Perpetrators of Major Crimes in Jamaica, 2014-2024.« Global Journal of Transformation in Law, Human Rights and Social Justice 8 (2024).

[Info] Quay, Sara E. »‘Lucrece the chaste’: The Construction of Rape in Shakespeare’s The Rape of LucreceModern Language Studies 25 (1995): 3-17.

[Info] Queiroz Arce, Maiara Q., et al. »Vítima ou ré? O comportamento feminino como prova criminal em Guarapuava na dédaca de 1950.« Publicatio UEPG: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas 24 (2016): 181-191.

[Info] Quijada Álamo, Diego, et al. »El estupro en el Antiguo Régimen: Una visión cuantitativa desde el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid.« El estupro: Delito, mujer y sociedad en el Antiguo Régimen. Edited by Margarita Torremocha Hernández et al. Valladolid 2018: 39-89.

[Info] Quilter, Julia. »From Raptus to Rape: A History of the 'Requirements' of Resistance and Injury.« law&history 2 (2015): 89-113.

[Info] Quinlan, Andrea. The Technoscientific Witness of Rape: Contentious Histories of Law, Feminism, and Forensic Science. Toronto 2017.

[Info] Quinlan, Andrea. »Visions of Public Safety, Justice, and Healing: The Making of the Rape Kit Backlog in the United States.« Social & Legal Studies (February 21, 2019).

[Info] Quinlan, Andrea, et al. »Sexual assault in the locker room: Sexually violent hazing in Canadian sport.« Journal of Sexual Aggression (June 24, 2020).

[Info] Quinn, Kelly A. »Ecphrasis and Reading Practices in Elizabethan Narrative Verse.« SEL 44 (2004): 19-35.

[Info] Quinn, Kevin J., et al. »Framing Japan’s Disputed Past Memories in the United States.« Kokusai kyōryoku ronshū 27 (2020): 61-92.

[Info] Quinn, William A. »The Rapes of Chaucer.« Chaucer Yearbook 5 (1998): 1-18.

[Info] Quintana, José M., et al. »Characteristics of drug-facilitated sexual assault in Spain.« Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (June 21, 2020).

[Info] Quintanilla, Margarita, et al. »Long-term change in the prevalence of intimate partner violence: A 20-year follow-up study in León, Nicaragua, 1995-2016.« BMJ Global Health 5 (2020).

[Info] Quitzau, Eberhard. Begutachtete Sexualdelinquenten. Ein Vergleich zweier Untersuchungszeiträume. Inauguraldissertation, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 1986.